Bad marriages come in many flavors. Some are knockdown drag out affairs and others are just distant relationships like living with your cousin. Some are brief and some last for decades.
It seems we should have laws to make it harder to get married and methods so both parties can come to a more practical solution for dissolving a marriage.
Sadly both parties frequently hang on much longer than they should and frequently for the wrong reasons. The intellect knows better but the emotions can cloud and paralyze any open, honest, and cordial discourse … whether or not we want to split or repair the relationship.
All of this has the possibility of leaving scars and injuries that we carry forward. But with some work we can get those emotional injuries to heal and get the chance to start over.
Most of my wounds have healed and the scars are not very noticeable. I got a chance to start over in a relationship that works.
Tracey, I hope your wounds have also healed and you are comfortable where ever you have landed.