I read the title to this article and thought "What Leadership Style ... you have to be a leader to have a leadership style".
I don't believe 4-5 has any ability to do strategic thinking. He is only concerned about how things feel to his warped narcissistic brain. That feeling makes him clear a crowd with military force to hold up a bible.
Sadly some of his followers will interpret that as his "Christian faith shining through" as he "cleared the riff raff". But this group of followers has virtually no ability to "connect the dots".
If in fact 4-5 would achieve his goal of becoming "The Great American Führer" his base would then discover that they would also become the losers in his fascist state. I don't think he will make it to be our Führer so his supporters will say he was "cheated".
Leader? ... I don't see no friggin' leader.
Thanks for the insight.
And thanks for the fact you are still writing here. I detected a note of frustration a week or two ago.
And yes as it true for many of us as you say in your little bio "words are my only weapon".