Deborah, thanks for your predictions. It added a few new twists to my thinking like the influence of insurance companies on moving things in the right direction more quickly.
Sorry … But I still have a slightly pessimistic view … but we will have a chance for a “do over” … and that won’t be all bad.
Based on the requirement for our current economic growth theories, the number of people on planet Earth, and the current political will for any change that has short term negative economic consequences, there is not much chance we can solve our apocalyptic problem and preserve the world as it exists today.
I am not really depressed about climate change and the ultimate effects in the next few decades. It will be an opportunity to make the ultimate correction and actually save planet Earth. Although in KY we have people riding around with auto tags that say “Friends of Coal” so their thinking is obviously a bit behind some others.
The only way to save the planet anywhere near it’s current state would be to shutdown the oil industry TODAY … but we know that won’t happen or even substantially slow down fossil fuel use any time soon. The rich and their children will just have to learn to eat the money they have amassed … if they can get it back out of their banks and investments.
Mother Nature won’t eliminate every human on planet Earth. Maybe those that remain will have the lessons needed for the next millennia indelibly etched in their brains for future generations to eventually thrive … in reduced numbers and/or making renewable energy the law.
Some parents should be fearful for their children and even more worried about their grandchildren. I have a 30 year old son and he has said he has no plans for any children. He will probably be OK in his lifetime with his skill set but it may get hard for him in a few decades.
Deborah, I look forward to more of your stories.