Dot Connecting 101

Mark Strickland
2 min readFeb 10, 2020

I suppose there is a group of people in America that think we are now on a path to greatness with our Supreme Führer. I find it very curious.

If we remove Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from millions what will be the impact on the economy? Many doctors make a significant part of their living from Medicare and Medicaid. What happens to the economy when they don’t have much disposable income? I suppose they can quadruple their rates to the rich people that will be left. It is already headed that way with VIP doctor practices.

What happens when people drawing Social Security don’t have enough money to live? Do you suppose their family will take care of them and provide a place to live? Food to eat? Do you suppose the economy won’t notice that the income they contributed is gone?

If climate change continues to accellerate how will the children and grandchildren of these supporters of the Supreme Führer fair. Will they have jobs and a place to live and healthcare? Oh you say it is not real or maybe not man made. Well buckle up. It ain’t gonna’ be pretty.

I suppose we can “kill off” all of the people that are a drag on the economy then we can reduce taxes even further. Hummm … but some of them are certainly Amazon customers, shop at grocery stores, and by drugs from pharmaceutical companies. Well that will sure help lower the cost of drugs to reduce the number of consumers. I am sure Jeff B will take a pay cut since there will be fewer customers. Oh, and grocery prices will go down … well maybe because stores will compete harder for less customers … until they go bankrupt.

Are we prepared for a pandemic? Do you trust our Supreme Führer will be prepared? Did he not reduce the budget of the CDC? Have you noticed that the Coronavirus infections are growing rapidly? Do you trust that China is reporting the truth and there are not more? And how much will this cost if it becomes a true pandemic? What about the stock market? For the moment up.

The list is much longer but I am tired of typing.

Whew … So few people who simply cannot connect the dots to see where we are headed. Or maybe they are simply too angry to have good judgement.

There are so many parallels with the story of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Ok there were no fiddles but still pretty scarry.

Come on Mother Nature. There are way to many “crazies” here on the planet to make this work.

This stuff is going to kill us … but it is just taking so damn long.



Mark Strickland
Mark Strickland

Written by Mark Strickland

A software developer, amateur photographer, a bit of a political activist, and working on my scientific skepticism to better understand myself and the world.

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