Every time 4-5 (yes that is a reference to a .45 caliber male part AND an equation that equals minus one) does something stupid I yell out "YEAH TEAM" because, as James pointed, out he becomes just a little more of a silly joke.
The base will hang on forever but that is not enough to get him elected. Each act of stupidity will peel off a small number of moderates. I also believe the young generation that have been showing up in the streets to protest has such a broad demographic that possibly ALL Republicans may be in jeopardy in November. A few recent primary elections are hinting at that dynamic.
Maybe the young progressives have reached a level of maturity that they did not have in 2016. The lack of maturity in 2016 because of Bernie's loss and the less than perfect candidacy of Hillary caused many to simply not vote in protest.
If 4-5 was smarter we really could be in insurmountable trouble.
Hopefully Alexander Hamilton et. al. created enough things in The Constitution so we can hang on until November.