Hummm … I do agree with Jennifer.
Most of the progressive people in the USA are not “tough enough” to push back on the ultra right. They have too much empathy and compassion.
On the other side some male teenagers show up in Kentucky at the Fancy Farm political event with an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cardboard cut out with one of the young men pointing to her crotch saying “break me off a piece of that”, one choking the cut out and one kissing the image on the cheek. Where do you suppose they learned that behavior since it is a fact at least some of them attend a Christian private school? They were also carrying around a cardboard cutout of the head of Brett Kavanaugh but they were not “abusing” that cutout.
AOC wrote a Twitter response asking if these young men, all wearing “Team Mitch” T-Shirts were on his paid staff but most progressives seem to “let it slide”.
So the progressive sometimes seem to fight these vicious attacks with a toothpick because they want to err on the side of being compassionate.