I am a techie guy (actually a software developer) but I try to use my smart devices as tools to augment my life and solve problems. Not all problems but some. I probably could survive without one and even without a mobile phone completely but used as a tool they do have some redeeming value. I could live without a car, running water, trash pickup at my house, and more but there would be some downsides. It is unlikely anybody would become addicted and enamored with their trash pick up service like they do their iPhones. But of course our predatory capitalistic system would have no reason to make trash pick up sexy enough you would stare out the window waiting for the truck to arrive with your heart pounding in anticipation. Getting you to buy the next smart phone … well that is another story.
I do not have a Facebook or LinkedIN account any more. In my opinion social media is generally used to feed the ego of the account holder. You say you have how many friends??? The value of social media escapes me. If you say you need it to communicate you need to take a look at what you feel is the value of your communications. Sending a few emails with pictures of the kids to select people does take a little more effort than posting them to Facebook. If you feel that is a heavy burden then maybe you need to find a psychotherapist to help with your addiction.
My mother, in the 1950’s used the first Facebook of sorts. She sat across the kitchen table, face to face, talking with the other mothers in the neighborhood. No smartphone required. She even used an old fashioned land line when one of her friends had not been seen in a few days to check on them.
When tools become more than the means to solve a problem and you get addicted to the use of the tool for the sake of the tool you have a different problem. If you learn how to live with your Nokia flip phone, your iPhone X, or no mobile phone at all and you are doing it for the right reason then I applaud you.
Sadly smart devices are just another way for humans to become addicted. Some use alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, sex, or you name it. Predatory capitalism manages to find all of the things we crave and monetize them. I guess trash pickup at your house is just not sexy enough to crave so it gets ignored.
And I do admit I like reading these stories in Medium and responding to a few using my computer. My little secret addiction of sorts.
Wait …. is that the garbage truck I hear coming? Maybe they have that new Facebook live feed working so I can see when they get close to my neighborhood. That will save me time watching out the window so I can send a few text messages until they get a little closer. Oh be still my heart.