I am not a gamer but I think the premise that our current climate change trajectory is truly an opportunity with mass extinction as a result.
So to paraphrase I say to all humans “Another fine mess you’ve have gotten us into” … Oliver Hardy (yes I am old).
I believe Mother Nature will sort out the problems on the planet … without regard to what humans want. There is no political will that will change the fossil fuel industry, primarily oil, before it is too late. And of course the root cause is … Too many humans on planet earth … and the planet needs a makeover from this problem.
Humans won’t go extinct because there will be enough ingenuity and drive to find solutions … but many will die and the future world will NOT (at least for a while) operate likes it does today with huge capitalistic enterprises driving our consumption and energy use.
So as a pragmatist I see this as an opportunity to create a better planet Earth for some future generations. And maybe they will learn from history and not repeat it.