I have an older (85+) caucasian friend who has vivid memories of WWII and she has been warning since early 2017 that maybe what is starting to happen is a fascist shift.
Those that have seen it (like the Jews in this essay) understand but many just sit by and simply don’t believe it can happen. We even have the weaponization of the young white males that is similar to the Hitler Youth and that is also not such a big deal.
We should all be screaming about this and climate change but not many are making noise including the news media. The media covers stories for their own ratings but rarely use the word fascist or extinction.
I am doing what I can at the grassroots level trying to flip a few elected offices but I am not sure it will be enough. I know seemingly rational and intelligent people that fully support POTUS. Scary. Hey but I am pretty old and I will escape our American holocaust and extinction by climate change because I won’t live that long. But some I know will have their children and grandchildren live through a potential hell.