I have called and emailed my representatives but I do live in Kentucky so that has limited impact for anything I would call about unless I would want to license a rocket propelled grenade launcher. I write letters and guest columns to my local newspaper about climate change and other topics with generally good feedback. I also have a plugin hybrid car that can run on battery and I do about 50% of my travel on pure battery but I am sure I could do more.
But you are correct about huge amounts of apathy. I have some pretty left leaning diehard friends that will go march and protest things like pension reform that will hurt teachers but almost nobody I know does anything significant about climate change beyond forwarding a few emails and Internet articles.
If we stepped outside and our yard was overrun with grizzly bears we would believe we have a problem with bears. But climate change, even for believers, is simply not so urgent as a yard full of grizzlies. Even when Greenland looses billions of tons of ice in just a day or two nobody screams. When AOC proposed the Green New Deal even some moderates protested that maybe we could not eat so much meat in the future.
As many don’t understand or even want to understand the earth is on a razors edge of climate balance. Carl Sagan said:
“We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”
I am now down to saying to those that don’t want to listen to my comments on climate change: “Well you can tell your kids ‘I told you so’ and explain why you did not take any action when the climate disaster starts to destroy their future”.
Thanks for trying to enlighten those that will listen.