I have liberal friends that do want to play nice with the hard core right. Some did not like AOC’s response and thought she was too brutal when she was depicted in a cardboard cutout and Tweeted:
Hey @senatemajldr — these young men look like they work for you. Just wanted to clarify: are you paying for young men to practice groping & choking members of Congress w/ your payroll, or is this just the standard culture of #TeamMitch?
Personally I think an arrest warrant might have been appropriate for those threatening bodily harm to AOC. I really liked her comment … direct, snarky, and to the point but she did not say “I am going to grope and choke you back” or some other direct quid pro quo. Just two simple questions.
And in the same week Mitch McConnell Tweeted from his own account a photo of headstones in a grave yard with the name of his potential upcoming oponent in the Senate race for 2020 on a headstone. Fascist use tactics to “bury” their opponents … literally.
Whaaaaaaat theeeeee f************k ????
I have a “theory” about some of the liberals, and yes many are my friends. The hard core right has little empathy so they don’t have a problem being selfish and taking what they want and complaining about what they were not given. This lack of a basic human emotion also lets them “overlook” brutal treatment of families at the border. Some of the liberals are overly endowed with empathy to the point they have a problem standing their ground when somebody takes a “verbal punch at their nose”. They want to be “nice” and see the right wing position from their view point. This same empathy is what makes them upset about treatment of blacks and sad about separating children from their family at the border.
So as Tim has said I too am “Not Ready To Make Nice”.
The sad part is if we don’t stand our ground with the hard right we will likely be erasing another few clauses from our Constitution.