I know not everybody likes Umair and his rhetoric but somehow he frequently writes the thoughts I have been feeling just as my brain starts to crystalize my feelings into words.
I too believe maybe we are at a place where the choices, at least in the DNC, may not be able to be fully manipulated by the party bosses. Previously the citizens did not really have a choice of making big changes but only the changes that the party “gatekeepers” decided we should have. I suppose the “bosses” could still manipulate things but maybe they too feel the need to move away from the current political landscape. Maybe this is our last shot at saving democracy in the US. I guess we will know more by July of 2020 in Milwaukee. Whew … but that seems so very far away and lots of things can happen between now and then.
You can say you don’t like some of the candidates but there are some plans for a revolution … a peaceful one … and yes a few plans that are short of what we need but better than what we currently have.
I have spent a considerable amount of time pondering how the citizens of the US are: “settling for jaw-dropping lives of self-destruction” as Umair said. All of my reading and pondering has led me to the conclusion/opinion, that as humans we are especially gullible and we are easily misled by myths, stories, and fables that are not based in fact. If you spin the story with sufficient details and repeat the details relentlessly it seems some humans will start to believe it must be true. These feelings can be so strong it causes people to push aside common sense and other basic knowledge so they can believe the story and be part of the group of believers. The believers seem to have a need to belong. I am not sure of how the psychology works in the mind but this “trick” has been repeated throughout history and sometimes on a ridiculously grand scale. At the risk of being “blasphemous” this is the basis for some, maybe all, religions. The current POTUS is an “expert” at spinning stories that he has a superpower and “he alone can fix things”. Massive numbers believed him and many still believe him. I don’t know that his expertise to do this manipulation is based in intellect but it is probably more of an instinct … but the results are the same.
But, maybe POTUS has crossed his own line and some doubt is starting to creep in. Maybe some believers are starting to feel that the “myth” they bought into is not coming true. Maybe they see this “crazy guy that scribbles on weather maps with a Sharpie” as not having his claimed superpower.
But sadly we still have Moscow Mitch and his “right wing nuts”. If we don’t at least get a Democratic majority in the Senate nobody in the White House will make much progress on any of their “revolutionary” plans.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
… citizenry of the United States … Please look clearly at where we stand as a country. You must use YOUR superpower to vote for this new revolution. If we don’t now stand together, we will most certainly fall spectacularly into self-destruction.