Member-only story
Leadership We Could Have Had
If women were treated more equally where might the world be now?
I fully believe that an empathetic and softer leadership style is more effective. Many studies backup the idea that empathetic leaders create higher performance workplaces. I also believe women are more naturally empathetic.
Sadly men have repressed, opressed, suppressed, distressed, transgressed, and dispossessed women for a long time … sorry … forever. And I didn’t even mention appressed, undressed, and molest. Remember those cartoon images of the caveMAN dragging the caveWOMAN around by the hair? Yep … it has been happening forever.
But, women have had many contributions in spite of their suppression.
But I digress … This is about how much more women could have brought to the world if they were not so suppressed and the potential they could still bring … if men would allow it.
A Definition
Empathy — The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Not to be confused with sympathy which is feelings of pity or sorrow of someone misfortune. Being empathetic means that you’re willing and able to appreciate the other person’s point of view even if you do not agree with that point of view.