Thank you Umair for trying to yell and scream about where we are headed in terms of climate change and social governance. I am not sure many are listening but those of us that believe should not quit trying to convince others.
I don’t have enough data to dispute or confirm if Europe has managed carbon emissions better or not. For me that is not the issue. Absolutely for sure planet Earth has always been on an environmental razors edge and us crazy humans just cannot seem to connect the dots that we are headed for a dystopian future … and we have caused it. It is not even a question if humans survive or not. We probably will in some form but I am certain we won’t enjoy the journey into the future in 3,000 days and beyond.
I have tried to talk to friends and coworkers about climate change but very few give me more than than a polite smile and a “yes, probably true” comment. I can see from their expression that they think I am a little radical or maybe their God will save us all.
So I continue to write and talk and try to find some facts that will resonate about climate change or the slide toward fascism or predatory capitalism before it is too late but so far not much luck.
I simply don’t understand the lack of critical thinking. If I thought my grandkids (and I won’t have any) had a 25% chance of get eaten by a grizzly bear sometime in the future why would I not hedge my bet and do something that could help prevent this horrible event? Even if it is not a sure thing the horror of what could happen should be at least worth some action. In our case devastation by climate change is well beyond even odds of 50/50. Metaphorically, sometime in the future, we will face hoards of grizzly bears on the front lawn every day and our chances of escape will be minuscule.
If you want to spend 2 minutes of your life you should listen to this video narrated by Julia Roberts. Pay close attention to the narration starting at the 50 second mark.
Have all of your friends watch it and if you can get some skeptics to watch.
I find it pretty sobering … or maybe terrifying would be a better emotion.