Umair … My thoughts exactly.
The banner graphic for this story says what I have also been telling everyone I know for the past couple of years … THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! But most people respond politely and they probably think I am just a “liberal wingnut”. And I have gotten dinged here a few times with comments for writing some “dark stuff”. As I wrote it appears to me that we are falling into The Abyss and we don’t even know it.
This IS an emergency … a multifaceted emergency … one that is destroying humankind from all directions at once and our consciousness is simply insufficient to see it much less start crafting solutions to solve a few of the problems.
Yes … a few like Umair keep sounding the alarm but most simply go about their day checking Facebook WAY too many times, looking for cool photos on Instagram, and walking about in their everyday life looking at their smartphone or holding it to their head talking to somebody about anything but our emergency. And today probably trying to decide if they need or can justify to their partner that new iPhone.
We seem to chase the wrong things. When we do get some little tingle of motivation and inspiration it is not usually focused on the real problem. I saw a cartoon of the Grim Reaper smoking a cigaret talking to his Grim Reaper buddy that was vaping. The one smoking a cigaret said “Dude, those {vape} things will kill you”. That is us. We are focused on some new random thing we read about on Facebook and simply ignore the hoard of grizzly bears running across our lawn headed to break breakdown our door and devour us all.
Yes … it probably will need to get worse before it gets better. Worse on many fronts, climate, income inequality, AI technology focused on eliminating labor from lower skilled work, and more.
Umair, thanks for letting me know at least somebody “gets it”.