William, I hope and think you are possibly correct.
Today’s latest report from Congress and the phone call list probably was not specifically in your prediction. The appellate court ruling that Deutsche Bank must release the details of any 4–5 transactions also was probably not included.
You did elude to more “stuff” is coming … and some has now arrived.
My thought is the GOP in the Senate are in an inescapable box.
The evidence is pretty clear and still mouting. Their only defense is “none of this is actually a problem”. But I believe the public support of the GOP will become even more suspect if they decide to “swallow this huge pile of sh*t” and let 4–5 totally off the hook.
Moscow Mitch will then start to worry about his own reelection. And as I saw elsewhere this will be like the “good mob boss deep 6-ing the rogue mob boss who has just gotten too crazy even for the mob”. If this gets bad enough they will just “cut 4–5 loose”.
If they do keep 4–5 around their election chances get even worse. The success of electing a Democratic Govenor in KY and MS last month and the Democratic sweep in VA indicates, when it comes time to vote, people have had enough. And this was all before this even “bigger pile of sh*t”.
Also if the House issues an actual Impeachment pardon will not be possible. In the end lots of indictments, many convictions, and jail time for some.