Yep … none of this is easy in today’s world … even before Covid-19 it was not easy.
I have spent a few decades learning martial arts. A journey that is never complete.
Recently an article here in Medium resonated with me. You might want to read it. It won’t be an instant fix but maybe help you in your journey.
To borrow a phrase from the story: “Practicing Zanshin means staying focused regardless of what has happened so far.”
Over several decades I learned the principles of Zanshin much by osmosis. Years later I realized that I was practicing the principles in my daily life even when I was not in the dojo.
When we sparred one of my instructors kept talking about not changing your strategy no matter what the opponent was “throwing” at you. He drilled using minimal effort to deflect a punch because a miss of one quarter of an inch was just as good as one foot. He said don’t let the near miss divert your thoughts and strategy. Focus on the process. Avoid anger.
Those principles work in the dojo and in life. Decide on a strategy and how you want to approach life. Have some goals but focus on the process to achieve them. Don’t let the “crap” others throw at you to divert your strategy. You don’t need to stop and react to every “near miss”.
Changing thought patterns is not easy but it can be done. Find an inspiration and when you realize your errant thought pattern think of your inspiration. Don’t worry you have not reached your destination. Concentrate on the journey and the process. Accept it is a journey of a lifetime that will never be complete … but the “scenery” will improve along the way if you practice Zanshin.