Yes this is pretty dark because I believe we are in some very dark times.
I don’t think a new form of governance will help. I suppose we could legislate that every citizen voted. But sadly as a society many people are disengaged from political events.
I live in KY and we have the most unpopular governor in the nation by several polls. In 2015 we had a low voter turn out of about 30% of the registered voters. The governor won with about 52% of the cast votes. That means the most unpopular governor in the nation got elected with votes from about 16% of the registered voters in the state. That is a very dark statistic.
As a political activist that has personally knocked on thousands of doors. I am amazed at the number of people that say “I am discussed and I just can’t vote for any candidate”. That is a very dark reaction.
Because of this disengagement I believe we are at risk of sliding into a Fascist state. Once that happens the press will “officially” be declared the enemy of the people as POTUS now wants but cannot figure out how to get around The First Amendment … so far. When that happens this publication and many others will be forced to go dark.
Maybe I do speak with some hyperbole but if that gets some attention and gets people to think then maybe that is what is needed.
Until the people get fully involved in electing their officials and outlets like Facebook figure out how to manage blatantly un-true stories and advertising that “trick” people with false information, we will live in dark times … until you can’t read about it here … or anywhere.