Yes, yes ,and YES!
Certainly not all rich people are “bad”. But there are a few truly evil actors in the group.
I have been reading Blowout by Rachel Maddow. It describes the behavior of the oil industry over parts of the 20th and 21st Century. I knew it was bad but I never realized how bad.
Exxon and later Exxon/Mobile, including Rex Tillerson, “raped and pillaged” many smaller countries with the assistance of local authoritarians. They are the Poster Child of unchecked corporate power. Their history of ignoring the corruption of countries like Equatorial Guinea is sickening. The billions of barrels of oil did nothing to improve the living standards in the country … but the ruling family got rich and so did Rex for making Exxon so profitable.
Other behemoths of the current generation, like Amazon, have done their “raping and pillaging” with different methods. They have figured out how to extract some of their wealth a little at a time from all of us.
So maybe we are the fabled “Boiling Frog” and most of us simply don’t realize what is going to happen.
The thinking is so short term it is hard to conceive of how these behemoths believe their strategy is sustainable …
what will happen when we “croak” or run out of money
what will happen when climate change catches up
what will happen when …
I guess they figure they can eat money because they won’t have the same number of customers and certainly no corporate growth … the key to CEO wealth building.
And what about Facebook? … They could get their own story about making their customers their product.
Ahhh … humans.